The frontend is handled by the HTML form that uses the form input type file. On the backend, the file upload library processes the submitted input from the form and writes it to the upload directory.
That is it for the controller. Finally, we will ad two routes to our routes. The selected file name will show up in the form upload as shown in the image above.
Click on an upload image button. You should be able to see the image that you uploaded. Halo, Sob! Jadi, kamu ga perlu bingung lagi, Sob! Jangan lupa kasih Feedback untuk Tutorialnya biar kita bisa berikan yang terbaik khusus buat Kamu. Latest posts by Admin Tutorial see all. STEP 1. STEP 5. Klik link download file dan file akan terdownload tanpa url berpindah alamat. Apakah artikel ini membantu, Sob? Tutorial Codeigniter Lainnya.
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