How to configure windows 7 and 10 for optimal performance, so that your project runs at a high, stable frame rate. Want to create large-scale video arrays and real-time LED facades that span high rises? As lots of you know, this is all possible with TouchDesigner — sort of. Problems typically fall into two broad categories: Workflows that should be simple become bloated and tedious. Anyone who has tried to composite a large number of icons on screen when working on info displays has experienced this first-hand..
Performance issues such as low framerate become unmanageable, requiring time-consuming workarounds. In some cases, these kinds of technical issues become unresolvable. Once you learn how to do this, you can customize TouchDesigner however you like.
This is the knowledge required to overcome the problems faced when trying to scale your projects Never programmed C — let alone GLSL Shaders — a day in your life? No worries. I start right from the beginning and assume zero knowledge of either language.
I walk you through everything necessary to begin importing GPU code from Shadertoy. This gives you access to thousands of shaders that you can use for inspiration or in your installations. I provide you with 9 of example project file templates. The techniques in these templates have made me thousands of dollars and are the result of years of trial and error. TouchDesigner Optimization. The user interface UI is an integral part of any TouchDesigner installation. In my latest 2-hour training, you will learn how to: Optimize UI elements for performance and speed: Poor UIs take a lot of computing power, slowing down your projects and messing up your rendering.
This is bad. I teach you how to avoid it by optimizing your interfaces correctly. Skin your UI so that it looks great: When creating a UI, you need to know which objects and operators within them are performing which functions. I show you how to get out of the box so you can customize your UI however you like, with ease. Most designers host their UI on this main computer, which can tax it further and result in rendering issues. While not initially intuitive, once you know how to do it the process is relatively straightforward.
As discussed above, external controllers are often a critical component in interactive installations. Python Intermediate in TouchDesigner. Summary Elburz deep dives on all the the inner workings of Python in TouchDesigner. Python Introduction in TouchDesigner. Summary Ever wonder how TouchDesigner pros work so fast? Fortunately, TouchDesigner lets us use render picking to integrate 3D interactivity directly into our projects: We can create complex 3D scenes that can be transformed dynamically without sacrificing or continuously re-calibrating interactivity.
We can also scale our 3D installations for unlimited multi-touch points without ANY adjustments to code. In this training, you will learn: How to create interactivity for multi-touch systems. Using Python, we can setup a scene that enables unlimited interactivity — as many touch points as we want.
This training assumes familiarity with Python, and is therefore intended for intermediate to advanced TouchDesigner users. The practical difference between 2D interactivity with 3D interactivity, so that you understand the difference between the limitations of 2D interactive hotspots — and the limitlessness of 3D. Intermediate Python techniques required for render picking. These include iteration for loops , basic understanding of classes, and scripting in TouchDesigner.
How to optimize render picking setups. Beginner Crash Course. Summary Learning TouchDesigner can be difficult for anyone, no matter what background you have. Ultimate Resource Guide for TouchDesigner.
Summary Everyone always complains about the wiki. But getting physics right in TouchDesigner is an uphill battle: First, you need to understand basic physics theory and terminology. So yeah, you need to know these. Then, you need to understand the physics workflow in TouchDesigner. A real-time demonstration of physics functions in TouchDesigner: I show you where physics-related capabilities are in the TouchDesigner platform, what they do, and how they work.
Share this: Twitter Facebook Tumblr. Like this: Like Loading Follow Following. Matthew Ragan Join 1, other followers. Sign me up. Already have a WordPress. Log in now. TouchPlayer does not have a designer interface to author files, it is meant only for playback of TouchDesigner projects. TouchPlayer Non-Commercial is free of charge for non-paying, non-commercial uses.
No license, key, or registration is required to download and use TouchPlayer in Non-Commercial form. This is a great way to share your work with other who do not use TouchDesigner. All they have to do is install TouchPlayer and run your file. TouchPlayer Commercial licenses can be used for paying projects and support the same feature set as TouchDesigner Commercial. TouchPlayer Pro licenses can be used for paying projects and support the same feature set as TouchDesigner Pro. Start TouchDesigner using the operating system shell command touchdesigner filename.
TO uch E nvironment file, the file type used by TouchDesigner to save your project. Navigation menu Personal tools Log in.
Namespaces Page Discussion Experimental. Nor is it designed to be machine-parsable; the format of the file is subject to change without notice. When the Installer exits during Installation without giving a sufficient reason, start a Windows Command Prompt window with Administrator privileges and run:.
Send the resulting log file as a zip or link including a description of the encountered error to Derivative Support. Note: If you persistantly run into an issue with the installer, you can try running TouchDesigner without actually installing it. To some extent the installer just copies files to disk and makes sure that some prerequisites are met. All the required files are contained seperatly in the installer and you can try extracting them using a third-party software such as InnoExtract.
The extracted folderstructure will contain a bin folder in which you can find TouchDesigner.