Toggle Automatic restore to On to restore settings and data when installing an app. Now that you've enabled the Android backup service, your system settings and app data will be automatically saved to Drive.
When you're switching to a new phone, you can rely on the service to restore your settings, apps, and associated data from Google backup easily. You can always restore any lost or deleted data of your Android phone from Google backup. Immediately when you reinstall any application, the settings or any data backed up on your Google backup is automatically restored. Restoring apps is straightforward if you're using a handset running Lollipop and above.
This setting is available to phones as they're booting up for the first time, or after they've been factory reset. Step 1 When you got your new Android phone, log in to your Google account. You'll see a list of all your previous devices, and when you've last used them.
Select a device to see all the apps available for restore. You can take a look at the amount of app data that's being stored. Free PDF Compressor. Free Video Converter. Go to the Google Contacts Login to your Google account. Select the contacts to download. If you want to select a single contact, simply hover into the name then click on the box that will appear. You may also select multiple contacts through this method. If you want to select all contacts immediately, click on the Export button on the left side of the page.
Select the type of exported file. Click on Export. Here are the steps that you will need to follow: On your smartphone, open the Contacts Tap on the three bars found at the top-left corner of the screen. Tap on Settings. Now under Manage contacts, select Export. Allow permission if asked. Now navigate to where you want to save the downloaded contacts from Google. Turn on the slider for Back up to Google Drive. Related wikiHows How to. How to. About This Article. Written by:.
Nicole Levine, MFA. Co-authors: 3. Updated: January 3, Categories: Google Drive. Article Summary X 1. Deutsch: Ein Backup von Google Drive herunterladen. Italiano: Scaricare un Backup da Google Drive.
Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 73, times. Is this article up to date? Cookies make wikiHow better. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our cookie policy. You Might Also Like How to. Featured Articles How to. Using this tool offers us advantages that include the management of all our Drive files from our computer.
You can open them and organize them, and any change made will be synchronized on all your devices and also the cloud. In all aspects, it improves the previous features of Google Drive as it extends its functions to reach more elements.
And there is an alternative to better backup and restore Android apps. The small and smart tech devices are so powerful that they allow you to perform unbelievable activities at a faster pace.
They have provided the mobility which allows you to perform any task anywhere. But there are chances like the accidental deletion of the important files, Apps data , and other documents can be very irritating and troublesome. Now the question arises on how to backup android apps to Google? Well, this article can assist you best in every aspect of this concern.
Step 1. Creating Google backup apps on Android is now a child play after you get to learn the same form the below-given steps. At the initial stage you need to have the Google drive on your device. If it is not available than you need to download the same and install the application to perform this activity. Step 2. After downloading install the application and follow the steps to create a backup.