You can always go into your local Apple Store and download it there. They will even help. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. I just read in another post that you cannot know for sure that the installer is safe unless you pull it from the App Store, and that the best way to go about getting the installer is to have someone else download it from the app store and then put it on a USB stick, transferring it that way. How do you know that the file on the torrent is safe? You just said that you can't download it from the AppStore, so how would you know if any other file is safe?
I wouldn't!! I cannot download it from the app store on the machine I want to upgrade. How ever, I can download it from another machine and just transfer with a USB or dropbox or something. Thanks for the link though. Examples of this command are in the next section. Improve this answer. I tried this on a system with High Sierra, but it tells me that "High Sierra" is "too new".
Any workarounds? Jeroen Wiert Pluimers, At the time this question and answer was posted the information contained herein was valid and for a period of time afterwards too however, as is always the case with computing At the current time I do not have a workaround, although that doesn't mean there isn't one, just that I'm presently unaware of one.
This hack has worked for other similar temporarily workarounds in the past but I've not tested it in this particular use case scenario.
I knew about stuff changing over time, so I'm glad you went the extra length. Will try when back at work next week. Do you know any link for Yosemite? I need to install Yosemite in an old Mac. Show 2 more comments. The Overflow Blog. Allow installation to complete. Is El Capitan free? Is Mac El Capitan still supported? Is Sierra newer than El Capitan?
System Requirements. Can I downgrade my Mac OS? Click the Download button. Follow the simple instructions to complete the upgrade. For users without broadband access, the upgrade is available at the local Apple store. Which is the best OS for Mac? And if I had to make a list, it would be this: Mavericks License Official Installer File Size 5.
After getting a bootable drive or device follow the steps to boot- Insert the device containing os X El Capitan installer. While holding down the option key, restart the system Select that particular device which contains the installer file. The system will start from the device containing the installer. Now, to erase the older version, click on disk utility and then click continue. After the start of disk utility, select the volume to erase and perform the further steps to format the selected drive.
The installer will begin, despite the fact that it might take a couple of minutes. Download El Capitan Installer Performing clean installation In the install os window, click the continue button.
Read the terms and condition and agree with them. Select the target disk and click on the install option. Type your administrator password and click OK. The installer will duplicate the needed files and then restart.
The progress bar will show the time required. After the installation, the system will restart. OS X This update: Fixes an issue that prevents parental controls from saving settings in enabled accounts. Fixes an issue that prevents some network devices, such as speakers and multifunction printers, from accessing SMB partitions.
Enterprise Content: Improves boot time when connected to a NetBoot server. Fixes an issue with a netboot image created with OS X v Active directory authentication fixes an issue that may take longer than expected.